Da Induno Olona al Monte Chiusarella

Ieri abbiamo fatto una bella camminata nel varesotto. Lasciata l’auto nei dintorni dello spaccio della Lindt siamo saliti in direzione di Bregazzana tramite la vecchia strada che passa per i boschi. Giunti al piccolo centro abitato siamo saliti verso la chiesetta (Piazzetta Don Ernesto Essi) da dove inizia il sentiero all’interno del Parco dei Fiori che vi porterà prima all’Alpe Ravetta e poi al Pian Valdes da dove si può proseguire per il Monte Chiusarella.

Fotografia scattata al Pian Valdes (710 metri sul livello del mare) mostrante i cartelli con i sentieri percorribili a piedi.

Da Caravate al belvedere di Caravate

Oggi breve camminata dal centro di Caravate (VA) sino all’omonimo belvedere con una bella vista sul Lago di Varese e quello Maggiore. Purtroppo il sentiero non era per nulla segnalato e siamo riusciti ad arrivarci solo grazie alle indicazioni di una signora ed allo smartphone. La vista però ha sicuramente valso la fatica nel trovare il posto. 😉

Vista dal belvedere di Caravate sul Lago Maggiore.

Abbiamo davvero bisogno dei social network centralizzati?

Bella domanda.

Sicuramente ci sono alcuni vantaggi nell’utilizzare queste reti sociali, ma allo stesso tempo quali sono i rischi?

Dove inizia la privacy? Quanto valore ha la mia privacy? Sono disposto a fornire i miei dati alle grandi aziende tecnologiche e ai loro software di intelligenza artificiale?

Devi rispondere a domande come queste per poi decidere se vale la pena utilizzare social mainstream come Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok etc…

Potresti al contrario optare per un modo diverso e decentralizzato di accedere ai social, quello legato al fediverso.

Piattaforme come Mastodon e Pixelfed rappresentano delle alternative interessanti per provare un modo diverso di partecipare ai social.

Maps with hidden images in Swiss

Maps are not always a representation of a territory. For years, Swiss cartographers have been hiding drawings in maps. They did it as a joke and to get away from the routine: in some cases the National Topographical Office took notice of it after a long time.

Read the full story here: Swisstopo

Passeggiata da Meride al Monte San Giorgio

Il giro di oggi parte da Meride (Ticino - Svizzera) per arrivare alla cima del Monte San Giorgio che è Patrimonio UNESCO.

Tempo di percorrenza: circa 1:40 / 2:00 ore (andata) ed 1:40 ore (ritorno)

Attrezzatura consigliata: scarponi da trekking e bastoni

Periodo consigliato: tarda primavera / primo autunno

Si parte dal centro dell’abitato di Meride nei pressi della chiesa seguendo le indicazioni per Cassina - Monte San Giorgio.

La prima parte del percorso è lungo una ripida mulattiera che vi porterà fino alla località Cassina (886 m/slm) in circa un’ora.

Cappelletta in località Cassina

Qui sono presenti un prato, una cappella ed un piccolo rifugio (non presidiato) nel quale potrete riposarvi in vista dell’ultimo tratto che in circa 40 minuti o più vi porterà fino alla vetta del Monte San Giorgio (1096 m/slm) che è tra le più belle viste panoramiche sul Lago di Lugano.

Chiesa sul Monte San Giorgio Vista panoramica sul Lago Ceresio e dintorni

Per quanto riguarda il ritorno potete fare il medesimo sentiero dell’andata sino alla località Cassina, poco dopo che l’avrete superata potrete tornare dalla stessa mulattiera percorsa al mattino (consigliato) oppure optare per la variante del Sentiero Meriggio (un po’ più ripido) che vi condurrà anch’esso sino all’abitato di Meride.

Some thoughts about Nostr

I have tried Nostr (a new protocol for decentralized social media) and would like to give a personal & non-technical verdict on this system.

First doubt: if the average user is already struggling to use Mastodon at first glance, I can imagine how they might find themselves overwhelmed by such a system.

Second doubt: the fact that it is uncensored is a good thing, but also a major Achilles’ heel. As far as I understand it, there is in fact no content moderation.

Have you tried Nostr? If so, what do you think?

Focusing on content

After talking about self-hosting and introducing my blogging journey let me talk about the platform I’ve used to blog for 4 years till I recently left.

I do not remember how I found Write.as, but I tried it just because I was curious to understand how it worked.

The essential user interface and the markdown editor with no frills attracted my so much that I decided to start blogging with them.

The idea of focusing on content instead of all the rest was so amazing that I blogged there regularly till I recently switched to Micro.blog that is now my preferred blogging platform.

My blogging journey

I’ve recently written about the drawbacks of self-hosting. In that article I talked about it from a generic and technical point of view.

Let’s get more personal now. 😉

Many years ago I was self-hosting Wordpress for my blog, but at some point I realized I was spending more time upgrading, customizing & fixing problems than writing something on it.

This situation was so frustrating that I decided to stop blogging many times because I had a sort of internal conflict. From one side I enjoyed blogging, but at the same time I didn’t have the willing to work on it from the technical side.

I even tried Wordpress.com but it didn’t appealed me at that time.

So I gave up my blogging activity for some time till I found a service that suited my needs.

Which blogging platform drew my attention? Hold on, in the next article I will tell you which service I’m talking about.

Is self-hosting for everybody?

Self-hosting is great: you control the server, the software & your data. That’s all. Or not?

I think there is a lot understimation about the drawbacks related to self-hosting.

I self-hosted Wordpress for several years and during that time I had some issues while upgrading it, also theme and plugin conflicts where always behind the corner.

Wordpress is a great piece of sofware and very versatile. It is easily customizable, but this can also be a problem once we talk about compatibility. Something can break suddenly and if you are self-hosting you have to understand what’s going wrong.

What I experienced with Wordpress can happen with every piece of software you decide to install on your server. It can be Nextcloud or a Mastodon instance, no matter what you install, there may always be some problems while running your software.

Another issue while we talk about self-hosting is security. Server misconfiguration can expose your data to hackers, if you are not a security expert data breaches could be part of the game.

In my opinion self-hosting is great because you have full control of everything, but such power comes with great responsibility.

You need time to understand the software, install it, update it and fixing if something is going wrong.

All of this requires time and time is money.

If you are not a techie person (or if you don’t want to spend much time working on the server) then probably you should look for an hosted service.

Where have I been

Inspired by Manton blog post I’ve done a recap of the countries I’ve visited over the years.

  • Italy
  • Switzerland
  • France
  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Greece
  • United Kingdom
  • San Marino Republic
  • Vatican State
  • Principality of Monaco
  • Principality of Seborga (that’s the only unrecognised micronation I’ve visited so far 😉)

Why I prefer To-Do lists

Over the years I’ve tried several note taking apps and after using them I came to conclusion that many are overcomplicated for my personal needs.

All I need in my daily routine is a short list of things I have to do (or to remember).

I believe Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) can be useful for some people, but not for me (at least not in this moment).

Simplicity is all I need, so a smart To-Do list is perfectly fine.

Smart home complications

When we think about smart homes we usually look into positive things like controlling lights, temperature, security and connected devices.

But are these smart homes truly smart?

A part from the enthusiasm for technology every smart device has its own app and configuration accounts (not talking about security holes).

A solution may be the new Matter standard, which was born in order to offer:

  • Simplicity;
  • Interoperability;
  • Reliability;
  • Security.

It's hard to say if Matter will solve all actual problems of our smart homes, but probably it will be an important step to the right direction.

Choice Architecture

Years of research have shown again and again that the way choices are posed affects our actions.

Source: “What Should We Watch Tonight?” On the Concept of Choice Architecture

De-app yourself: taking notes with email

I recently read an article that made me reflect on how often we are inclined (myself first) to use sophisticated web services and apps that propose to help us be more productive.

Sometimes alternative solutions are very easy and simple.

The blog post talks about how the author replaced note-taking apps by simply opening a new mailbox used only for this purpose.

This is certainly a creative solution that can actually be interesting for many people that don't need complicated features but only to keep track of their notes on the go.

Discuss without discussion

I agree with postpsychosis, we usually tend to discuss without discussing. That's make sense to me especially because we are immersed in a society always online.

Why I like to wake up early

Lately I started to appreciate to wake up early in the morning. From my point of view it's one of my personal life hacks.

The reasons why I really like to be an early riser are several:

  • I have more time for myself;
  • I go to bed early in order to wake up early;
  • I spend less time in traffic to go to work.

My first defense against data breaches

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.”

Sun Tzu

When we talk about security there are many good practices you can follow in order to minimize the risk of being hacked (strong passwords, 2FA, etc..).

One of them is being updated about past and present data breaches.

For this reason I use haveibeenpwned.com, a great free service that provides you information if your personal data have been leaked.

Knowing that one of your accounts have been compromised enables you to immediately take action (e.g. changing your password) giving you another layer of security.

Why I switched to Brave Browser

At the beginning there were Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator and I've always preferred Netscape Navigator.

Then Mozilla released Firefox and I've chosen it as my favourite browser for years.

Recently I was forced to switch from Firefox to Brave Browser because I realized that a Chromium based browser is ligther and more reactive on my old notebook.

That's not good as I would have preferred to use Firefox, but Mozilla have created a very heavy piece of software.

Browsing must not be a pain...

Mozilla, if you're there, give us a shout!

Rolling cryptos

I've always been skeptical about all that crypto enthusiasm that lead us to a sort of a crypto bubble.

I'm not against Bitcoin or blockchain, but I'm aware that behind the scenes there is much more speculation than we think.

Technology may be good, but the way we use it may be bad.

Simplicity isn't simple

As I'm getting older I tend to appreciate more and more simple and essential things, both in life and technology.

Year after year I realized that tech companies tend to overcomplicate their products with tons of functionalities that only few people really use.

Selling a product as the best in the market is not enough if I've to spend months understanding how this product works.

A long learning curve will probably let those companies loose customers.