While I transfered here my old blog posts I realized to have blogged a lot in the last few years. πŸ˜ƒ

After reading this article about Digital simplicity I can confirm that personally I have the same feelings about big social networks and crosspost automation. I really like how micro.blog can easily crosspost everywhere, but frankly speaking 2 or 3 big socials are enough for me.

Are you tired of Reddit? Then you can try a Lemmy server.

Just submitted my RSS feed to Feedle

Waiting for better times πŸ₯Ί

Going nowhere. πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

A green field under a cloudy sky

Out of time vibes… πŸ΄πŸ“·

horses eating some grass

Focusing on content

After talking about self-hosting and introducing my blogging journey let me talk about the platform I’ve used to blog for 4 years till I recently left.

I do not remember how I found Write.as, but I tried it just because I was curious to understand how it worked.

The essential user interface and the markdown editor with no frills attracted my so much that I decided to start blogging with them.

The idea of focusing on content instead of all the rest was so amazing that I blogged there regularly till I recently switched to Micro.blog that is now my preferred blogging platform.

Just finished the first aid training for my company. There are many useful things I learned in order to be “ready” in case of emergencies. I do hope to never use them, but who knows…

I’m watching you! πŸ¦‰πŸ“·

An owl made of wood

Magari potessimo saltare la settimana ed arrivare direttamente al venerdì.

Ok, dall'estate a Novembre in 60 minuti: fatto! 😲

I never knew that European eels were endangered. 😞

Postando da Fedilab...

Voi utilizzate applicazioni particolari per prendere le note?

Io dopo averne trovate diverse sono tornato ad utilizzare delle semplici TO-DO list. ⚑


Alcune mie riflessioni sul self-hosting e del perché non è per tutti. ⚑


Where are we going? πŸ₯ΎπŸ“·

Green fields with a path

It seems Google / YouTube want to stop Invidious. Problem for them is that the project does not belong to anyone… It’s FOSS.

St. Bartholomew’s church β›ͺπŸ“·

St. Bartholomew - an old church built in the 12th century

My blogging journey

I’ve recently written about the drawbacks of self-hosting. In that article I talked about it from a generic and technical point of view.

Let’s get more personal now. πŸ˜‰

Many years ago I was self-hosting Wordpress for my blog, but at some point I realized I was spending more time upgrading, customizing & fixing problems than writing something on it.

This situation was so frustrating that I decided to stop blogging many times because I had a sort of internal conflict. From one side I enjoyed blogging, but at the same time I didn’t have the willing to work on it from the technical side.

I even tried Wordpress.com but it didn’t appealed me at that time.

So I gave up my blogging activity for some time till I found a service that suited my needs.

Which blogging platform drew my attention? Hold on, in the next article I will tell you which service I’m talking about.