Intentional web

Some weeks ago I read an interesting blog post by Manuel Moreale about “The social web”.

Manuel correctly clarifies that being social on the web does not mean you are part of the social web and that there is also a lot of misconception around IndieWeb definition.

How can we define a human web where there is no algorithmic filtering and where we can deliberately be part of?

That is the web I’m arguing for. A web that is intentional, where what you consume is curated by you and you alone, where connections with others happen because you made the conscious effort to connect. And at this point, I don’t fucking know how to call that web. Maybe “personal web”? I guess I’ll go with that from now on. - Manuel Moreale · The Social Web

I think calling it “personal web” is still confusing because even algorithms are tailored to be personal.

That said I’ve decided to use the term “intentional web” from now on.

Intentional web is the web that YOU choose to interact with:

  • Having your own website and blogging on it is intentional web;
  • Surfing the web personally choosing online content is intentional web;
  • Following sites with RSS is intentional web.

I want to be part of this kind of web.